If I Had A Car
by Ted Summerfield
Hardcover, 14 pages
Published July 2011
by My Own Publishing at Smashswords
ISBN 978-0-9868804-6-9
Book Source: Bought
4 1/2 stars
Book Description: A bunny wonders what it would be like to have a car, but after thinking over all the choices and the reasons for and against an electric car or a gas powered car he decides to trade-in his trike for a bike.
A short story in rhyme that won’t cost you a dime.
Appendix contains five (5) large black and white pictures of bunnies which can be printed out for coloring by your child (or by you). Suitable for ages 2 to 102.
Mary’s Review: Aww, Mr. Bunny Wants to buy a car but can’t make up his mind what kind to buy. A regular, gas running car or an electric car. The gas car will run farther but the electric car is cleaner. After debating with himself he finally makes a decision. Come see what it is. It will surprise you.
A fun and wonderful way of teaching children about how to think things through economically, make wise money choices.
Mr. Summerfield has not only written the book, but has also illustrated it. The illustrations are cute and colorful lending much character to the story.
I recommend this book for ages 5 and up.
About The Author: I have been writing for more than 30 years. Recently I’ve been writing picture ebooks for children, puzzle ebooks, fiction and non-fiction stories. To find out more about me just google my name, Ted Summerfield, or my puzzle alias, Punzhu Puzzles.
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