A Fun Day At the Beach
by Sharlene Alexander
Kindle Edition, 14 pages
Published: August 2, 2012
by SS Alexander
Book Source: Bought
5 stars
Book Description: Follow Ella on an exciting adventure at the beach. Ella is faced with many surprises throughout the story, but then…Well you’ll just have to read it to find out what happens.
The gorgeous colorful pictures and fun story is sure to captivate any child’s imagination and bring them back to read it over again and again.
Mary’s Review: Sharlene Alexander has done it again with A Fun Day At the Beach. In this rhyming book, Ella and her family spend a fun filled day at the beach enjoying family time together swimming, building sandcastles, picnicking, of course napping. At the end of the day in rolls the rain and sends them packing but that doesn’t spoil Ella’s day. She has had a wonderful day.
The illustrations are terrific.
I recommend this book for ages 4-8.
About The Author: Sharlene Alexander is a published author. Published credits of Sharlene Alexander include The Dog Dance (A Fun Interactive Children’s Picture Book Story), 10 Fun Beginning Reader Books:Helps Children Practice Reading (Learning to Read Series-Level 1), and Ahhh Ahhh Choooooo!: A Silly Sneezing Adventure (Perfect for Bedtime & Young Readers) (+INCLUDES FREE GAMES & Fun Sneezing Facts).
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