by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
Paperback, 32 pages
Published 2006
by Barron’s Educational Series
Book Source Bought
4.5 stars
Book Overview from Amazon: This book explores the extraordinary loving relationship that typically exists between very young children and their grandparents. The sensitively written Let’s Talk About It Books encourage preschool-age and early-grades children to explore their feelings, and speak openly to a parent or other trusted adult about things that trouble them. Each title discusses a particular concern or anxiety that children often encounter in the course of growing up. All books in this series have appealing color illustrations on every page, and are available in both English and Spanish language editions. A short section at the back of each book offers advice to parents.
Mary’s Review: I really enjoyed this children’s book. As it has said some of us only have one grandparent, some of us have two or more grandparents and some of us like myself, do not have any grandparents. Whatever the case may be, grandparents are special people who teach us many different things like traditions. They play with us and tell us stories and help us to remember who we are. It also lets us know that some day as our grandparents get older we will eventually be the ones setting and teaching the traditions. There is also a page at the back of the book especially for parents to help tell them the importance of grandparents and great-parents and how this book can be used interactively. This book has some very cute and colorful illustrations done by Marta Fabrega.
About the Author: Jennifer was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, but is currenlty residing in the Chicago land area, with her husband and three children. Jennifer graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Ryerson Poltechnical University in 1994. Jennifer worked as a Child Welfare Social Worker, investigating child abuse allegations for more than 10 years. Jennifer began her writing career in 2001 and is still writing today. Jennifer writes non-fiction childrens books that focus on family situations, life skillls, development disorders and everyday situations. Working as a social worker, Jennifer was able to work with many children and families, and therefore saw a need for literature to be made available to families on topics that matter to them most. Jennifer’s books are writen in 10 different languages and are available all around the world!! Jennifer enjoys all sports, reading and spending time with her family.
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