The Storm in My Brain
Published by
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
and the Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Paperback, 20 pages
Published 2003
ISBN 0897932412
Book Source: bought
Synopisis from the book: A small paperback published by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and the Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation—both are based in Illinois. The text, presented in a question and answer format, is simple and reassuring, and the illustrations were created by children and teenagers.
Mary’s Review: This book has special meaning for me. I have two grandsons who are ADHD with depression. My oldest grandson is medicated, the youngest, recently diagnosed, is being evaluated for medication. Both are in clinical therapy. This book explains so well to a child how to understand what they are going through, what they can do to help themselves and others, and what others can do to help them. It also gives tips for parents and teachers alike how to help and understand the child and what they are going through and where they as adults can receive help for themselves.
The illustrations are wonderfully done by children suffering from these disorders and are beautiful and sad at the same time.
I recommend this book to everyone seeking understanding and help.
Find out more about the Depression and Biploar Support Alliance here.